But, Christ said more -- a lot more. Despite his "day and hour" assurance, if we look at Christ's Own general indicators of the arrival of the time for "wrapping things up," coming in the sky amidst a thunderous trumpet blast "to judge the living and the dead," one can plausibly argue that hushing talk about the impending nature of the End of Time is irresponsible.
When one reviews the general indicators, it is astonishing how well the tumblers seem to be falling into place.
In other words, "He is near, even at the door."
I had hoped that there would be a great, sudden victory for the Church of the Popes over evil before the end of time, but to be perfectly frank it's looking more and more like lying liberals in charge of the lying liberal media in charge of the minds of the angry, spoiled people, who just want uninterrupted food, things, screens and nookie -- everything else be damned -- is going to be the rule in the world when everything is shook by the trumpet blast, and all look up, and realize that the opportunity for grace-empowered love is over, and that each is just a rat in the middle of the floor, and that the Divine Cat has come. People will try to scurry to dark corners to escape, but nothing -- nothing -- will save them from the Divine Cat.
So, go ahead: Contact me. Post below. Make fun of me in public. Criticize me. Attack me as crazy.
But read the following, first.
Matthew 24:32 et seq. is the key verse in Jesus' famous Eschatological Homily, or "end of the world homily," to His disciples ...
"Learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves, you know that Summer is near. In the same way, when you see all of these things, know that He is near, even at the door." Matthew 24:32-33.
In the Bible, the fig tree is the type, or symbol, for the "Old Testament Church," the Kingdom of Jews. That is why Jeremiah 24:1-5 symbolizes the Jews with figs. That is why Zaccheus, the Jewish tax collector, is portrayed as sitting in a "sycamore" or fig tree when Christ first meets him -- a good man, the text's implication is that Zacchaeus is "fruit of the fig tree," Judaism. See Luke 19:1 et seq. When Christ "curses the fig tree," Mark 11:12 et seq., He is foreshadowing the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans.
The branch of the fig tree coming back into leaf would therefore by the re-establishment of Israel by the U.N. in 1948. The fundamentalists are right about this one.
Christ says that when you see this, you should "know that Summer is near."
Summer was harvest time in Israel.
So, "Tumbler #1" has fallen into place.
I believe that the 1970 translation of the New American Bible for Catholics translated the Greek of Matthew 24:15 et seq. better than any other ...
"When you see the abominable and destructive thing which the prophet Daniel foretold standing on holy ground -- let the reader take note! -- those in Judea must flee to the mountains." Matthew 24:15-16.
Reference to Daniel is uninformative.
What qualifies as an "abominable destructive thing"? How about this ? ...
In fact, no thing in the history of man better qualifies as an "abominable destructive thing."
But where in heaven's Holy Name do we find thermonuclear weapons "on holy ground"?
Christ's own words give us a hint ...
"When you see the abominable and destructive thing which the prophet Daniel foretold standing on holy ground -- let the reader take note! -- those in Judea must flee to the mountains."
Lo and behold, Israel's nuclear weapons sit atop Medium Range Ballistic Missiles in deep silos in the foothills of Judea.
The prophecy is fulfilled.
So, "Tumbler #2" has fallen into place.
The 1970 New American Bible translation of Matthew wildly mistranslated Matthew 24:19, probably because the New Testament Committee was deeply puzzled by the Greek. The contemporary version of the NAB is literal ...
"Woe to pregnant women and nursing mothers in those days." Matthew 24:19.
The "problem" with the literal translation is that the Greek term underlying "woe," ouai, without exception in the New Testament, is a threat ! It is not a word expressing pity ! Functionally, the text has Christ nastily declaring, "Watch out ! I'm gonna get you, pregnant and nursing mothers !" If you don't believe it, get a Bible Concordance, and concordize "woe" in the New Testament. It's a threat.
Now, many Church administrators will be alarmed at this extremely undiplomatic reverse reading of the normal interp for Matthew 24:19. Why in Heaven's Holy Name would loving Jesus threaten pregnant women and nursing mothers ? Has He flipped ?
I believe that Jesus' words do not refer to "pregnant women" and "nursing mothers." I believe that the Greek carries within itself a colloquial reference to women who would be pregnant or who would be nursing, but for the fact that they got an abortion !
When Christ makes His threat to the aborting women of "those days," He is telling those listening to His Eschatological Homily, "Keep your eye out for the aborting ones I am threatening here. They are another sign of the impending nature of the End.
In other words, the Pro-Choice Movement that has killed tens of millions of helpless humans since Roe v. Wade is itself a sign of the End of Time !
We're here.
So, "Tumbler #3" has fallen into place.
Luke 17:28 et seq. features the Eschatological Homily Sodom warning. What is up above in the subtitle is sufficiently reflective of the content. I know, I know, there is that claim by some of the more liberal commentators that Sodom was destroyed because of a lack of hospitality to Lot and his family (when the men of Sodom surrounded the house where Lot was and demanded custody of the angels to have sex with them). However, that intrinsically absurd claim is well-contradicted by Abraham's conversation with God establishing that if there were as few as 10 good people in Sodom, God would not destroy it, and by Luke's careful specification that every single male in Sodom was gathered outside of lot's house demanding gay sex with the angels.
Face it: It was about mass social approval of gay sex.
Now, compare Christ's words to what is happening as we speak ...
After the Supreme Court of the United States, a little more than a decade ago, constitutionally disconnected our laws from the 4,000 year old Judeo-Christian rules against sodomy, it "found" within a Constitutional Amendment that can not possibly have anything to do with forcing states to marry men to men and women to women (otherwise, no one would have voted for it in 1867 and 1868) the power to do precisely that, thus disconnecting the Constitution itself from an historical understanding of the words and so destroying its essential meaning, forcing states to marry men to men and women to women, and generating the philosophical basis by which gays are now empowered to strip devout Christians of their jobs, their businesses, their assets and their homes, while cold liberals on-line in Facebook dress up in rainbows and cheer them on, just because a devout Christian or Jew or black who loves God and Scriptute will not commit the sin of helping them marry.
Astonishingly, with crystal clarity, my brothers and sisters in the Supreme Court of the United States have themselves fulfilled what one would have thought to be the least likely of Jesus' Eschatological Homily prophecies!
So, "Tumbler #4" has fallen into place.
Hey !!! Keep those rainbows on, you rainbow readers ! Be proud of them ! It will help the Divine Cat to know exactly what kind of rat you are when He suddenly appears at the door !
Everyone reading this with half a brain knows where I am going with Luke 21:25 ...
"On Earth, nations will be in dismay, perplexed by the roaring of the sea and the waves. Luke 21:25.
Global warming.
The global atmospheric inventory of greenhouse gases is shooting up, up, up, up, up.
In the meantime, fools are "fiddling while Rome burns," forcing states to marry gays, and helping gays begin the process of wiping-out Christianity and Judaism, while the oceans get
deeper and
deeper and
faster and
faster and
In 10 to 20 years, there will be calls to evacuate Miami, southern Delaware and Manhattan.
Hate-filled, Nazi-like rainbowers can distract themselves from the impending 225 foot increase in ocean depth by helping gays to persecute Christians and pressing "Like" as they do so -- as they sink.
So, "Tumbler #5" has fallen into place.
Now, we must flip over to one of Paul's Epistles, in 2 Thessalonians 2. Those who study Bible know where I am going ...
"We ask you, brothers, with regard to the coming of our lord Jesus Christ and our assembling with him, not ... to be alarmed either by a 'spirit' or by an oral statement, or by a letter allegedly from us to the effect that the Day of the Lord is at hand. ... For unless the apostasy comes first [then the end is not here]." 2 Thessalonian 2:1-3.
Translators and commentators of Paul, upon seeing Paul's words, here, figured that since Paul was surrounded by "apostasies" of all sort at the time, then he could only be referring to a giant, frightening falling-away from Judeo-Christianity. so, they very loosely translated Paul's word apostasia to read "the Great Falling Away." Very appropriate.
And I believe that it is happening as we speak.
The vast, vast majority of God's people are rebelling against Him in the flesh day-in and day-out, by ignoring really nasty contraceptive-condemning provisions in the Bible. (Three of them say that users are Hell-bound.) And now they are dressing themselves up in the rainbow flag to celebrate the Supreme Court's constitutionally-unauthorized destruction of state authority over marriage and the accelerating attack on Judeo-Christianity. There's no way they're going to give up their perspective. They aren't really Judeo-Christian's anymore. They have switched sides.
And then gay priests and enabling bishops and popes have completely demolished the ability of the Church to advance in most places, with the sex abuse cases.
And the churches are emptying faster and faster, consolidating, re-consolidating, re-re-re-re-re-re-consolidating, so that soon a Catholic will have to travel 200 miles to attend Sunday Mass or receive absolution !
The end of the Church is in sight.
So, friends, we are here. It's apostasia time.
"Tumbler #6" -- the evil tumbler -- has fallen into place.
In Matthew 24:33, Jesus says, "When you see all of these things, know that He is near, even at the door."
I see all of those things.
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