Years ago, when I did divorces, I discovered that about 60% of them involved men who "became crazy" as a result of mid-life crisis. These men, as they realized with ever greater clarity that they were getting older, that their "equipment" was running out of gas, and that they were mortal, would "seek life" in the body of a younger woman, and torture their first wife with great mountains of abusive behavior.
The younger "replacement wives" would frequently get over-involved in proceedings, and come to court with the husband on motion day or for trial, and the attorneys and judges, back in the judges' chambers after seeing the replacement girls, would express astonishment at the ability of the mid-life crisis guys to find "photocopies" of their wives -- younger, better-looking women, but photocopies, in all other particulars.
I usually represented the women in the divorce cases, not because I understood the women -- I didn't -- but rather because I understood their husbands, and the evil in their husbands' souls, and so I got pretty good at anticipating their legal nonsense, so that I could "lay boobytraps" in the cases (which I won't go into now) and be ready for their lies and deceptions in court before they even thought of lying and deceiving.
A certain percentage of the time, when I represented men in divorce actions, they would come to me in a state of shock and show me a criminal charge for sexual abuse of their own children. I quickly recognized the pattern in those cases --
(1) The charge would come-up only AFTER the divorcing wife had had her first sit-down with her divorce lawyer;
(2) the same few divorce lawyers were representing the women making the accusations;
(3) the kids who allegedly had been abused were always infants -- too young to deny the accusations against their dad.
The effects of the criminal charge always gave the accusing wife sudden total control over the divorce case:
(a) The accused husband was suddenly in for the fight of his life;
(b) he frequently had to spend the entire divorce case in jail, leaving the wife free to seize total control over savings;
(c) the divorce court judges would suddenly become unreservedly hostile toward the accused husband.
In the cases where the husbands were accused by the divorcing wife of molesting infant children, a Mount Holly, New Jersey divorce lawyer seemed to be talking the divorcing wives into using fraudulent charges of incestuous sexual abuse of infants as a "nuclear weapon" devastating the husbands more frequently than any other lawyer. It reached the point where, if a man walked into my office with a divorce complaint drawn-up by that lawyer, AND they had one or more infant children, I would tell them, "Listen, stay calm when I tell you the following. Promise?" The guy would say, "Yes." And I would say, "You are probably about to be accused of molesting your own infant daughter."
"My wife wouldn't do that!" the man would answer.
And then, within a few weeks, the police would come to his home and take him away in cuffs.
I was dead certain that that divorce lawyer was talking the women into making the false charge in every single case. I wanted so bad to destroy that lawyer.
One day, several years after I stopped doing divorces, I was outside my home, doing gardening work in the garden next to the sidewalk in front of our house.
One of the neighborhood girls walked up the sidewalk toward me and with a very sad look said, "Pete, can you and I sit down in the shade someplace and have a talk. I have a religious problem, not a legal one."
I pulled out a couple of chairs and said, "Wow! It sure is nice to talk to you. I haven't seen you in years! I heard that you and your husband are divorced now. I hope everything is at peace."
"Is that all you heard?" she asked.
"Yup," I answered. "I don't gossip much. I guess people gossip enough about me."
"Well, I want to talk to you about my divorce. I did something very, very, very evil to my ex-husband," she said.
"Who was your attorney in the divorce?" I asked.
"Mr. So-and-so, in Mount Holly,' she answered.
It was THAT attorney. I knew what she was about to say.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Well," she answered, "My attorney told me to falsely accuse my husband of sexually molesting our infant daughter, to give me complete power over him in the divorce case. He had me falsely accuse my ex-husband twice. So, my ex-husband went to jail twice, each time for 6 months.
"I think some pretty horrible things happened to my ex-husband in jail. Our daughter, now that she is on her way to growing up, is deeply confused about him, and I can't tell her the truth. I believe that unless I do something to fix things, God has a very, very terrible place in Hell reserved for me."
I fell quiet, and finally I said, "I am glad that you told me this. Do you know that that same attorney has done the same thing to several divorcing men, over the years. He should be disbarred, stripped off all of his assets, and sent to jail for the rest of his life. This makes me think of a way you can pay back your ex-husband, and get God to forgive you."
"What?," she asked. "I'll do anything."
"Let me represent you as your attorney, and I will set up an agreement giving you complete immunity from prosecution for anything related to your false accusations in exchange for your testimony in support of criminal charges against the lawyer. You would also have to be your ex-husband's witness in a lawsuit against the lawyer, to enable your ex-husband to strip him of everything he owns, including his license to practice law. Although I am sure that, under such circumstances, you ex-husband will forgive you, I can't do anything to keep the lawyer from counter-suing you. Any judge on the planet would protect you under these circumstances, however, so that wouldn't have that much to worry about.
"Lastly," I said, "I know a gentle and a good priest who would be happy to hear your confession, and give you absolution. That will save you from Hell."
The lady looked at me with profound shock, and said, "Pete, I just can't do those things."
And she walked away, and died.
True story.
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