In New Hampshire, presidential hopeful New Jersey Governor Christie tried to attract flies to his fly paper with promises of more across-the-board tax cuts, even as he criticized President Obama's handling of the economy.
Massive deficit-generating tax cuts was Governor Christie's plan for recovery, despite the fact that the National Debt has exploded like a nuclear bomb since President Obama took over -- from $10 trillion to $18 trillion -- and continues rushing skyward, up, up, up, up up ...
...even at the present moment, and interest payable on the dept is about one-half trillion dollars per year, a debt burden that chokes the life out of our economy and keeps millions jobless the same way that $50,000 worth of credit card debt can destroy a home's budget.
To put it another way, Dr. Christie's prescription for the "drunk drivers" behind the wheel today is, "MORE ALCOHOL!"
In the end, he is in effect proposing to run the whole country in the same fashion he ran New Jersey. "I WON'T make you pay the bills with higher taxes. SCREW paying the bills. So that you'll elect me, we'll give you free money (money that SHOULD have gone to the IRS to pay current bills and the National Debt, but won't) and free benefits (in the form of entitlements and government services 'paid for' with deficits, not taxes) and so you'll like me and elect me! Of course, that means that I'm bribing voters by cashing-in their own short-term futures, but, Hell, who cares! I'll be out of office by then, you poor, dumb, gullible asses!