When it got to the part where political opponents of Tiberius are putting Lee Harvey Osw ... er, Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso on trial before the Roman Senate and Tiberius for assassinating John F. Ken ... er, Germanicus J. Caesar by poison, the series shows Piso brandishing letters under royal seal during the trial without opening them.
When Tiberius later asks his cold blooded mother Livia what is in the letters, she hints that they contain orders to Piso, issued by Livia in Tiberius' name, to kill Germanicus.
So, Livia and Tiberius "wipe the server clean." They send soldiers over to gather-up the letters for "safe-keeping," and when it turns out that Piso still has the single most incriminating letter in hiding, Livia and Tiberius have Jack Rub ... sorry ... Plancina, Piso's wife, murder him, make it look like suicide, and seize and deliver the letter to Livia and Tiberius.
Someone watching television with me laughed and said, "Hillary Clinton's computer!"
Why doesn't Ms. Hillary Clinton just turn her computer over to Congress' Committee investigating whether Ms. Clinton ordered the military to "stand down" and not protect the Libyan Ambassador from being murdered (with Obama-Administration-supplied arms, by the way?) by Moslem radicals? Why not?
You're innocent, Ms. Clinton! Right?
Clearly, the computer has surely already been "wiped clean." Ms. Clinton's lawyer says so. In effect their position is, "We gave you guys the 'government stuff,' but we wiped the personal stuff off because we're, like, um -- how do you say it? -- um, kind-of-like, can't-server-t-haves, who are just fluffy-wuffy lovers of the First Amendment and the right of privacy!"
So, why won't they hand it over? They wiped it clean, right?
Because they're spooked by talk of "cookies" and "hidden caches" and rumors that computers are "wiped" not by wiping them, but rather by simply reversing a command on the C-drive permitting access to the C-drive disk. I.e., the "Piso letters" are still hiding in Ms. Clinton's server, and extractable by someone who's really good with computers.
What to look for, now, in the news: News of a house fire or explosion in which -- darn it! -- the server was damaged beyond recovery.
Difference between corrupt, lying Democratic liberals and corrupt, lying Republican conservatives:
Republican Richard Nixon lies to hide an amateur burglary of an unoccupied Democratic campaign office, and Democrats and liberals laugh at him and revile him and kick him out of office.
Democrat Hillary Clinton is suspected of obeying orders from President Obama to order the military to stand down and not protect our Libyan Ambassador as he was being attacked with machine gum fire and rocket-propelled grenades -- functionally, murdering him.
To what end?
To try too hard to avoid Middle Eastern entanglements?
Because the terrorists were using Obama-Administration-supplied weapons, and President Obama was trying to hide the fact that he was an ass, even if it literally killed our Ambassador?
And Democrats and liberals and feminists love her, and want her to be President.